Friday, June 20, 2008

From Ukraine with Love - CHURCH SHIFT!

Pastor Sunday is a Nigerian pastor of the largest evangelical church in Europe, the Embassy of God, in Kyiv, Ukraine. (50,000 members - 99.9% white European)
His new book in English is "Church Shift" - a message of National Transformation to the American Church:

The author shows how Jesus spoke very little about the church and 90% about the kingdom. It's an eye opener to see how many churches only focus on "building their church", when in fact ministries that God is empowering are focused on the The Kingdom of God. He states that CHURCH is our headquearters but that battles are not fought in headquartes, but on the field... the world is the field.

Church Shift shows how Christians should be involved in 7 Spheres of Influence in Society:

1. Social/Spiritual - charity and evangelism
2. Politics - running for public office and participating in local and national politics
3. Education - transforming minds through knowledge and education
4. Media - influencing society through the media
5. Arts and Entertainment - members of the church include leading musicians and film directors in Ukraine
6. Sports - members of Embassy of God have won places on the Ukrainian Olympic Team
7. Finance and Business - encouraging entrepreneurship and raising 'millionaires for Christ' who finance the Kingdom

More here:

Church page:

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